Red saharan dust settled on row of cars

Have you ever noticed your car covered in a sandy, redish dust? If this sounds familiar, then don’t worry, it’s probably just Saharan dust! 

What is Saharan dust? 

Yes, we are in fact talking about that Sahara, the very large desert on the African continent. While most of the desert is happy to remain in Africa, strong winds can whip sand and dust high up into the sky, often referred to as a 'Saharan plume', which then can be carried thousands of miles – including all the way to the UK – waiting to be gathered by rain and landing on our cars. 

Saharan dust is perhaps surprisingly, relatively common in the UK, usually happening several times a year southerly wind patterns coincide with big dust storms in the Sahara.

If you’d like to know more about Saharan dust and how it reaches the UK, check out this info from the Met Office.  

How to wash Saharan dust off your vehicle 

The most important thing to remember when confronted by the red sand/dust is that it is very abrasive – just wiping it off your car could cause some serious damage. That’s why you need to be extra careful when you clean it off your vehicle. 

If you follow our step-by-step guide, we’ll guarantee that you’ll car will remain scratch/swirl free, but if you’d rather go off-piste and do it your own way, just remember that the main focus in removing Saharan dust is to avoid grinding it into your car’s paintwork. 

What you need for a great clean 

  1. Bucket and soapy water (gentle car shampoo is best) 
  2. Cleaning mitt/soft sponges 
  3. Snow foam (optional) 
  4. Pressure washer 
  5. Microfibre clothes for drying 

Step-by-step wash 

  1. Rinse

    First thing you need to do is rinse your car to remove as much excess dust as possible. Using a pressure washer is your best bet, letting you rinse the entire car quickly and safely.
    Just remember to start from the top and work your way down, as going up might accidentally push some dust underneath your car’s paintwork.

  2. (Optional) Snow foam

    While this is technically an optional step, we highly recommend it for the best results.
    This special foam can be easily applied to the whole car using a pressure washer, it then expands, gathering dust and sand safely. When it’s done collecting dust, it can then be safely rinsed off using your handy-dandy pressure washer.

  3. Soak in soapy water

    Grab you bucket of warm soapy water and some good sponges or cleaning mitts. We recommend using a gentle car shampoo when mixing up your soapy buckets, but it’s up to your preferences. Avoid using washing-up detergent, as this can strip away your cars protective layer.
    Give your car a scrub down, with a particular focus on getting it extra sudsy and avoiding using too much pressure. Even after the rinses, there might be some dust left, and you don’t want to grind it into your car.

  4. Rinse thoroughly
    Nearly finished now. Grab your pressure washer one last time and rinse off those suds.

  5. Dry
    Grab some delightfully soft microfibre clothes and rub down your sparkling and dust-free vehicle.

  6. Add protective wax or sealant
    Once dry, you can protect your vehicle’s paintwork from any more Saharan dust, and other irritants, by applying a protective layer of wax. The added bonus of this is that it also makes your car especially shiny, so it’s definitely worth the effort!

  7. Check your air filters
    It’s not just your paintwork that can be affected by Saharan dust – it also can clog up your car’s filters (both the engine and cabin filer). Make sure to check them both to ensure your car is running at peak performance.
For more information on how to inspect or change your cabin filter, check out our blog How your cabin filter can help with hay fever. 

    Now your vehicle is now dust free and sparkling, inside and out, enjoy! 

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